Part 11 - Pleiadian Alaje - Persian Sub ================================ https://www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE ================================ ALAJE from the light dimensions of the Pleiades, (Spiritual Videos since 2007) -------------- The meaning of Life is to have Love in your Heart**** Love is the solution for everything**** Love is the key**** Be prepared for the Light Energy Transformation on Earth**** Now is the opportunity to evolve your consciousness**** Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to planet Earth. Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, 10 and 18 of my Videos. ██ THE MEANING OF LIFE IS TO HAVE LOVE IN YOUR HEART AND BECOME SPIRITUAL. ██ LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING ██ YOUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS ARE CREATING THE FUTURE. If Earth Humans continue to live against love and against nature with exaggerated consumption, greed for power, with use of poisons and atomic energy in the industry and continue to create hate energy, life on earth will be very unpleasant, because the universe and the planet will have to purify the negative energy. If you destroy the nature, you are destroying yourself. All earth humans are responsible, of how earth society will be. Please use my Meditations from parts, 4, 6 and 10 of my Videos to heal the Planet from all negativity and create a lightful future. ██ ONLY WITH LOVE, YOU CAN RECOGNISE LOVE AND LIGHT. With hate and arrogance you don´t see Love and attack Love. People with hate are possessed by evil demons or evil ETs, and are attacking Love and Lightworkers. Many of those haters are members of cults, sects, illuminati, religions and governments, and are incarnated Reptilians/Drakonians. You can easy recognize them, because they are fanatics, very aggressive haters and are insulting everybody who is living for LOVE and LIGHT. People with hate are telling lies about me and other loving lightworkers, in order to discredit us. Those people hate Love and want to create negative, evil energies, and want to see everybody suffering. They want a slave society. With our Lightwork we can help even them to find the Light. ██ SEEK THE CONTACT WITH FRIENDLY, LOVING, SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. Positive People are giving you love, light, power, health, knowledge and wisdom. Spiritual people have NOTHING to do with any organization on Earth. Spiritual people are never attacking others, because their heart is developed. Spiritual People have no ego, jealousy or hate. Spiritual people are creating positive energies for the benefit of all. ██ THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING "SPIRITUALLY INTERESTED" AND BEING REALLY SPIRITUAL. ██ KEEP YOUR BODY, MIND AND ENERGY, IN A HIGH LOVE VIBRATION ██ KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON LOVE AND FRIENDLINESS. Erase hatred, arrogance, ego, envy, greed, and evil behavior. Become a positive human and concentrate on LOVE and FRIENDLINESS. ██ KEEP YOUR BODY AND SPIRIT HEALTHY WITH SELF-LOVE. He who loves himself, does not harm himself with drugs, smoking, alcohol or any other kind of poisons. Because it is harming the physical AND energetic body, and it is blocking you to reach higher levels of consciousness, cosmic light and Love. Heal and detoxify yourself with SELF-LOVE and natural herbs, in order to find the Light and become spiritual. ██ ONLY LIGHT, CAN STAY IN THE LIGHT. Only a healthy, lightful aura of Love is able to stay in a high energy of loving light beings. ██ BE FREE OF EARTH-SUPERSTITION AND EARTH-BELIEVE SYSTEMS Don´t be addicted to cults like Religions and other control organizations on Earth. All you need is in your Heart.-- It is called LOVE. -- Jesus and many other spiritual teachers are telling this since thousands of years. ██ GO OFTEN TO THE NATURE, to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy. About Me: ██ I AM ONLY ON MY OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL 777ALAJE --------- I AM NOWHERE ELSE IN THE INTERNET. I am an incarnated Pleiadian, (just like many others). A free, spiritual, loving LIGHTWORKER, trying to bring LOVE ENERGY to heal this Planet. I am against any kind of religions-cults or any other earth control-slave system. We real Pleiadians have nothing to do with the Meier Cult. We real Pleiadians have nothing to do with ANY organization on earth. My Videos are free available in my YouTube channel. ██ IF YOU WANT INFORMATIONS ABOUT ME, ACTIVATE YOUR LOVE IN YOUR HEART, and ask the EXISTENCE (God), the Spiritual Extraterrestrials of the Federation of Light, Lightbeings, Angels, spiritual Masters, or your Soul. Hundreds of loving people have done it already and have even met me in the higher astral dimension. The Truth of everything in life can be found, if you are listening to the energy of LOVE. The energy of the EXISTENCE (god). ♥ Love is the key ♥ ALAJE
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