This is one of the best coconut cakes I have ever tasted. It was my 2nd "Made from Scratch" and my first 3 layer cake that I have made ever. What a delicious Southern Style cake and besides, who doesn't like Coconut Cake? Make this for your significant others birthday, make it for a holiday or special occasion, make it for your friends birthday or just make it because I told you what a great cake this is!! Ingredients: 3 3/4 cups sifted flour 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 4 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract (I didn't have this so I used Almond) 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups buttermilk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda Directions: Mix in a very large bowl. Cream together the sugar and butter. Add the eggs. Cream all together. Add the other ingredients. Bake in 3 layers. Heat the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes. Icing: 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Cook together until thick and then cool down completely Beat in 1 cup Crisco until foamy Sprinkle coconut on the icing.
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