At the 3:26 minute mark the seller says "Tadaima, cheese cake yakiagarimashita. Rikuro ojisan no yakitate fuwafuwa no cheese cake ikaga de shouka" that means "just now, cheese cakes are baked. Rikuro ojisan's fresh off the oven, fluffy cheese cake, please try this." Rikuro Ojisan no Mise (Uncle Rikuro’s) Cheescakes are a "must eat" when visiting Osaka in Japan. The cheescakes are baked in-house meaning they are baked at the very shop where you buy them. You can get them hot straight out of the oven. The cheescakes taste more like sponge-cakes - there is very little "cheese" taste. BUT .... they are super delicious. They are very soft and spongy and great with a cup of coffee or tea. There are always queues at the counter and the Japanese can't get enough of Uncle Rikuro's cheescakes. The cheesecakes sell like hotcakes!!!! If you visit this cheescake shop try to spend some time watching them make and bake the cheesecakes. Then watch as they come out of the oven piping-hot and sold direct to the public before they have a chance to cool down. The shops are famous for "ringing the bell" when the cakes come out of the oven - it's their way of saying "come and get it!!". I have included the bell-ringing in my video - keep an ear out for it
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