IELTS Listening test 22.07.2018 with ANSWERS | BEST TEST - 2018
آموزش مهارت شنیداری در آزمون IELTS اختصاصی سایت جعبه IELTS ACADEMIC band 9 material. ( PLEASE CLICK ON 'CC' UNDER THE VIDEO TO SEE THE SUBTITLES) The IELTS Listening test will take about 30 minutes, and you will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. Listen to the instructions for each section of the test carefully. Answer all of the questions. There are 40 questions altogether. Each question carries one mark. For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. When you have completed all four parts of the Listening test you will have ten minutes to copy your answers on to a separate answer sheet. Follow us on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/IeltsListening" >https://twitter.com/IeltsListening The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once. As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters. Instructions to candidates In the actual test you will be given the following instructions: do not open this question paper until you are told to do so write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully answer all the questions while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper. The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once. As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters. Subscribe Us On Youtube :- - https://goo.gl/Gk0KtE" >https://goo.gl/Gk0KtE Like Us ON Facebook :- https://goo.gl/DZm7Mc" >https://goo.gl/DZm7Mc Follow Us n Tiwtter :- https://goo.gl/q7fNe8" >https://goo.gl/q7fNe8 Instructions to candidates In the actual test you will be given the following instructions: do not open this question paper until you are told to do so write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully answer all the questions while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil.
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