IELTS by AMIR Dr. Amir Rooholamin دکتر امیر روح الامین
Hey there! It's me again. Band descriptors! A little bit of a nagging headache, right? I know. But those of you aiming for 7 or above,you gotta make sure that you throw in, throughout the test, speaking a mix of simple and long sentences. When I sayI use the word long, I mean complex sentences. But I don't mean advanced structures nor do I mean complicated mind-boggling structures. You're not supposed to blind the examiner with your grammatical knowledge. No, that's not what we are trying to do. Let me give you a couple of examples. That might help Illuminate what I've got up my head. For instance, if I was asked by the examiner “how my day goes?” I might go like “I wake up in the morning, right after I wake up in the morning, I make myself a pot of coffee. Until I've had my cup of coffee or my cup of Joe, I don't really feel straight. I can't even think straight. I feel like I just end up walking around the house aimlessly accomplishing next to nothing. So the point I'm trying to make is I'm trying to throw in adverbial clauses. Now, for the most part adverbial clauses of time. I use “right after I wake up in the morning I do blah blah blah” later, I picked the word, what was it? “Until” right? It's another adverbial clause. Is that complicated? Definitely not? But what I am basically trying to do is to draw on a number of adverbial clauses. I can use adverbial clauses of condition like “on the condition that” “provided that” I can use “as long as”. So onto the topic of jobs and all that, I might say “for as long as the job pays me well I'm happy with my current lots” so I use the word “for as long as”. It doesn't sound complicated, it's just called a complex sentence. I can use relative pronouns like for instance relative clauses and all that so for instance I Might Say “there is a lot to be said for that making it a little bit hard for me to decide on it”. “making it”. It means “that makes it hard for me”. So I'm trying to patch them together. If not patch them together, try to put them together. right? making it sound more impressive that's it.
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