مرورگر شما قادر به پشتیبانی از ویدیو نیست

Please do not trust anywhere that looks like a real estate office.

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Mohammad Reza Ghasemi Economic Expert in Real State Please do not trust anywhere that looks like a real estate office. The real estate office must have a license and take this advice very seriously because in the union we are facing challenges that are making bitter memories for the customers. For example, a gentleman went to the union and said that I had lent money to the real estate office and I had a receipt. When I went to the real estate office, I saw that the real estate office was not working. After investigations, we realized that this is not a real estate office. Our advice for the customers is not to just trust a table and stamp. The person committing fraud in this way is not a real estate consultant and has simply abused his position as a real estate consultant so we should not have a bad attitude towards a real estate consultant. Before any transaction, if you suspected to a place, ask the owner to show you the business license and any basic details.